We were recently visited by Amy Hilliges, who has written a modern update of Emma, based in modern-day New York. You can read Amy's guest post and excerpt here, and my review of the book here. Amy was offering a really generous giveaway of 5 ebooks of Emma and the City, plus for a UK/Europe-based reader, there was the chance to win a signed paperback, plus bookmarks and a tote bag.
3 ebooks were won via a rafflecopter giveaway, and the names of the winners are displayed on the rafflecopter:
2 ebooks were won by commenters on the guest post and my review post. These were chosen by using a random number generator:
Christina Boyd
Carole in Canada
Finally, the winner of the signed paperback, bookmarks and tote bag, who was also chosen via a random number generator, was:
Elaine Jeremiah
Congratulations all!
Other Blog Visits
Amy has stopped by at other blogs too, if you'd like to read more excerpts and have another chance for a giveaway!
Sept 27 - https://www.agentsofromance.com/
Sept 29 - https://forloveofausten.blogspot.com/
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