Friday 28 October 2016

Dearest Bloodiest Elizabeth by Colette Saucier - Guest Post and Giveaway

Book Tour: Dearest Bloodiest Elizabeth by Colette Saucier
Today I have the pleasure of bringing you something that you might well be in the mood for in the run up to Halloween. Author Colette Saucier has dropped by to share a guest post with us relating to her series of books that imagines Mr Darcy as a vampire. The first book, 'Pulse and Prejudice' imagines that Austen's Darcy was actually a vampire, and hiding it. 'Dearest Bloodiest Elizabeth' is the sequel, and sees the Darcys settling into married life. I'll share the book blurb with you, and then I'll hand over to Colette for her guest post. There is a giveaway as part of this book tour too, details below!

Friday 21 October 2016

Letter from Ramsgate by Suzan Lauder - Blog Tour, Vignette and Giveaway

Blog Tour: Letter from Ramsgate by Suzan Lauder
Today the blog tour for Suzan Lauder's latest story, 'Letter from Ramsgate' stops by for a vignette and giveaway. This is not the first time Suzan's writing has appeared on this blog, as I have previously blogged about her first book, 'Alias Thomas Bennet' and the anthology 'Then Comes Winter', which features a short story by her. Read on for a vignette from Suzan Lauder, learn more about this story and have the chance to win a copy of the book for yourself!

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Winner - Mr Darcy's Present by Regina Jeffers

Book cover: Mr Darcy's Present by Regina Jeffers
A little while ago Regina Jeffers joined me with an excerpt of her new Christmas-themed book, 'Mr Darcy's Present' and a post about how Christmas used to be celebrated. You can see the post here. Regina was kindly giving away an e-book of 'Mr Darcy's Present' to two commenters on her guest post. The winners, selected at random, were:

Becky C



Congratulations to you both! I will be in touch. Thank you to Regina for the guest post and giveaway. I am so sorry for the delay in choosing a winner, I have been unwell and have been spending a lot of time flaked out on a sofa :(

Saturday 15 October 2016

The Many Lives of Fitzwilliam Darcy by Beau North and Brooke West - Blog Tour, Review and Giveaway

Blog Tour: The Many Faces of Fitzwilliam Darcy
Today the blog tour for ‘The Many Lives of Fitzwilliam Darcy’ by Beau North and Brooke West drops by for my review of the story and a wonderful giveaway opportunity for you - Four ebooks and four paperbacks are up for grabs, so read on for more details!

Monday 3 October 2016

Winner of Pamela Lynne's 'Family Portraits'

Book cover: Family Portraits by Pamela Lynne
Recently I had Pamela Lynne dropping by with an excerpt of 'Family Portraits', which is a sequel to her 'Pride & Prejudice' variation, 'Dearest Friends'. Pamela was very kindly giving away an ebook of 'Family Portraits' to a commenter on the post. The winner, chosen at random is...

Audrey Reed

Congratulations, Audrey! I am not sure whether I have your contact details, so please can you contact me. My contact details are here. Thank you so much to everybody who commented, and huge thanks to Pamela Lynne for visiting the blog and offering a giveaway.

If you were unlucky this time, 'Family Portraits' is available to buy now:

Buy Links for Family Portraits:

• Amazon UK • Amazon US • Barnes & Noble • Kobo • 

Saturday 1 October 2016

Planned Reading for October 2016

Booky goodness! Love & Friendship and Pride and Prejudice and ZombiesHello everybody, and happy October! I had an insanely busy and stressful September, so I apologise for being absent for a lot of the month. It was also my birthday, which was the least stressful part of month. I have such a huge backlog of reading that I didn't get any more to add to that huge pile but I did receive some book-related delights - 'Love and Friendship' and 'Pride & Prejudice & Zombies' on blu ray. I saw 'Love and Friendship' in the cinema but I haven't seen P&P&Z yet.

When I am really stressed I find it a struggle to read, which is a real shame as I am sure it would help me feel better. Between getting back into the routine of the children going back to school, additional childcare to sort, numerous medical appointments, two job interviews and one of my cats having an injury that required her tail to be amputated I had such a stressful month! I am starting a new job on Monday, so October has the potential to be quite stressful too - hopefully not though :) I am hoping that I will get my reading mojo back, so here is what I have lined up for this month.