time ago I featured a time travel book about Mary Bennet called
Back to
the Bonnet, written by Jennifer Duke. It’s a book where Mary can
time travel.
is currently fund raising to create an audio version of Back to the Bonnet
which I wanted to post about, and I thought it’d be a good time to read the
book. I’ll bring you my review of that later in the week.
I’ll hand over to Jennifer for her to tell you about her fund raising.
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Calling all Janeites! Can you help make
this author’s audiobook dream a reality?
Back in 2020, author Jennifer Duke
self-published her first novel, Back to the Bonnet, a reimagining of Pride and
Prejudice in which Mary Bennet orchestrates events with the help of a
time-travelling bonnet. Now she’s hoping to turn her novel into an audiobook
read by Lucy Briers who played Mary Bennet in the BBC’s 1995 version of Pride
and Prejudice.
Back to the Bonnet had been some time in the making and, as most
writers have to do when starting out, I invested a lot of time and money into
creating the final book and I did this whilst working in childcare and
housekeeping jobs, as well as navigating lockdown like most of the rest of the
world. Being new to the publishing and marketing side of things, about which I
still have much to learn, and being self-published rather than having the
backing of a traditional publisher, sales have been on the slow side, though
I’m grateful for some lovely reviews on Amazon and Goodreads.

felt particularly encouraged after actress Lucy Briers got in touch with me via
Twitter, having enjoyed Back to the Bonnet, to say that if it were to be made
into an audiobook some day, she’d love to narrate it. This was so lovely to
hear, though it wasn’t until more recently that I seriously thought I could
make this happen. Now I have a team of women who are enthusiastic about
creating the audiobook - Lucy Briers as narrator (which is so fitting as the
novel is written in first person, it’s Mary Bennet’s narrative), Tamsin
Collison as audiobook director (she directed a fairly recent version of
Mansfield Park for Audible) and talented sound editor Tshari King.
I have to do now is raise the funds for the production costs including the fees
for these amazingly talented women, then it will get the green light. To do
this, I’ve set up a Go Fund Me page in hopes of gaining financial help from
people who wish to support the project. If you’re reading this and thinking
that you like the idea behind this audiobook and that you might be able to make
a donation, however small, to contribute to its manifestation, please know that
I would be so grateful for your help. I’m not in a position to do this on my
own and so I would be hugely appreciative of having my fellow Austen fans in my
I happen to raise more than the required amount for this project, I will be
donating additional funds to TreeSisters, a UK registered charity that plants
trees in the tropics. I’m hoping to fund the planing of 1000 trees. Together I
believe we can create beautiful things.
You can find out more about donating to
this crowdfunding project here:
• Go Fund Me page • Jennifer Duke’s website • Email:
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How exciting that Lucy Briars might narrate this book if it makes the move to audio! As the book is written from Mary's point of view it would really bring the book to life to have it in a voice we can connect to Mary. I wish Jennifer all the best with her fund raising.
come back later this week to find out what I thought of Back to the
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