Wednesday 27 May 2015

Winners - An Obstinate, Headstrong Girl by Abigail Bok

Book cover: An Obstinate, Headstrong Girl by A Lady
Earlier today I got my family to draw names for the winners of the giveaway for paperback copies of 'An Obstinate, Headstrong Girl', an update of 'Pride & Prejudice' set in California in 1999. Without further ado, the winners are:




I will be contacting winners shortly to find out mailing details. I'd like to thank everybody who commented on the guest post and my review of the book, and of course, huge thanks to Abigail Bok for sponsoring such a wonderful giveaway.


  1. Oo, thanks so much, Ceri and Abigail. Got yout email, Ceri, and a reply is imminent! Will look forward to reading it.

  2. Thank you, Ceri and Abigail! I'm soooo excited!! I already replied to your e-mail, Ceri. :)

  3. Congratulations, guys! Happy Reading!

  4. Thanks for commenting, everybody, and I join with you in hoping that the winners enjoy the book :)


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