Thursday 23 July 2015

Winner of 'A Will of Iron' by Linda Beutler

Book cover: A Will of Iron by Linda Beutler
Last week Linda Beutler dropped by with a very informative guest post on the legalities of wills back in the 1800s as part of the blog tour for her new book 'A Will of Iron'. This book has particular focus on Anne de Bourgh, who manages to make some ripples from beyond the grave via her will and the observations of the people around her that she's recorded in her diary.

The kind people at Meryton Press offered to give away an e-book of 'A Will of Iron' to one of the commenters on the post. The winner, drawn at random, is....

Sophia Rose!

Sophia, I will be in contact :)  Many thanks to everybody who commented, to Linda for the guest post, Meryton Press for providing the giveaway copy and to Jakki from Leatherbound Reviews for arranging the blog tour.


  1. Congratulations Sophia Rose!

  2. Congratulations, Sophia Rose! I do hope you enjoy it! Best regards, Linda B

  3. Oh my goodness, yay! I am so excited to win a copy of Linda's book. I was so intrigued after reading several of the posts.

    Thanks for hosting, Ceri, and thanks for the giveaway Linda and Meryton Press!

  4. Thank you ladies! I will join you in hoping that Sophia really enjoys the book when she reads it :)


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