Thursday 1 October 2015

Planned Reading for October 2015

Hello everybody. I am a bit sad that September has gone. It's my favourite month, partly because the weather is often just perfect; radiant Autumn days, but mostly because it's the month I have my birthday. I was 21 again ;) I had some nice book-y additions to my bookcase, including a very special volume, and if I have chance I will share some pics of them later this month.

Things were very busy in September. I am trying to finish off a training course and working full-time, so I am feeling the squeeze. October is likely to be the worst of it though, my course has to be completed by the beginning of November so I'm on a tight schedule.

However, I do have a nice line up for you this month....

Book cover: The Unthinkable Triangle by Joana Starnes
Firstly I will be welcoming the lovely Joana Starnes with her latest book, 'The Unthinkable Triangle' which has a potentially angsty premise. Here, Colonel Fitzwilliam is quicker than his cousin and proposes to Elizabeth at Hunsford (No, no, no, no, nooooo!). I have read other versions where Elizabeth has an alternative suitor, but the angst-factor could really be ramped up if she became the wife of Darcy's close friend and relative. I am feeling a little trepidation here, however, Joana had another unthinkable triangle in one of her previous books, 'The Subsequent Proposal' where Darcy gets engaged to my second favourite Austen heroine, Anne Elliot, and here everything was resolved to my delight and satisfaction. All the books I've read by Joana have been wonderful reads, hopefully this one will prove to be just as enjoyable.

Book Cover: A Jane Austen Christmas by Carlo Devito
I will be reading 'A Jane Austen Christmas' by Carlo Devito, which is due out this month. This is a look at some of the Christmases Jane Austen celebrated, drawing on excerpts from her letters and some further information relating to Christmas games and traditions of the time.

Meryton Press Logo
We will have the blog tour of the new book from Meryton Press 'Angel of the Centerfold' by Michaela Robertson. You can see the cover reveal and blurb of this here. There will be a chance to win a copy of the book here so keep your eyes peeled for that.

And last, but certainly not least, I hope to feature a gentleman visitor towards the end of the month. I will keep an air of mystery around that for now in order to pique your interest!

Remember, there is still enough time to enter the giveaway for one of two ebooks of Lory Lilian's 'Sketching Mr Darcy' if you are quick. You have until the end of the day on Friday 2 October, simply comment on the review post to enter.

I hope you have a month ahead of you with more reading time than I am likely to manage! What books do you think you'll read this month?


  1. Happy 21st Birthday! ;) It's a nice birthday to celebrate over again!! haha!

    Good luck with your course! I hope you find the reading time you need. I don't have much in the way of planned reading. I've been enjoying picking up what I feel like at the moment. It's been lovely actually. But I think I'll try to read Shutter in Oct. I'm not much for horror, but I was at a book signing and I ended up getting a signed copy. Anyway, I think I'll give it a try for the season.

    I hope you have a wonderful October!

    1. I miss unplanned reading. When I had lots of reading time I was reading about 8 books a month and I'd plan half and just read the others as I felt like, but I don't seem to have time for that anymore. Hopefully when things calm down I can start reading things on a whim again. I hope you have a wonderful October too, Candy :)

  2. September is a lovely month. Happy belated Birthday! I'm sure you had a good one with your family.

    Whew! Training days can be so stressful. Wishing you well and hoping it goes by quickly for you.

    Fun line-up of authors and books you have.

    1. I had a nice birthday actually, lots of eating, which isn't so good for the waistline, but still!

      Thanks Sophia. Hope you get some good reads in this month.

  3. I hope you find the time. I too have difficulty finding time to read. I am planning to read Miss Georgiana Darcy by Shannon Winslow, Sketching Character by Pamela Lynne, Unthinkable Triangle by Joana Starnes and Sketching Mr. Darcy by Lory Lillian.

    1. It's so difficult isn't it Deborah Ann, and you work more hours than me so I'm really impressed that you get any reading time. It's important to schedule some reading time in, I think. I find reading such an escape and we all need to escape sometimes. I hope you enjoy your reading. I hope to get to Sketching Character by Pamela Lynne soon too.

  4. I have read the two (The Unthinkable Triangle and Sketching Mr. Darcy) but not the Christmas one. The Centerfold one was not yet published when I checked but I did like video of the song. BTW: when I turned 29 my mother told me I could not age any I have been that for decades. NOT really but just remembering my dear departed mother and her wish. Hope your birthday was a very happy one.

    1. Thank you Sheila, I enjoyed my birthday. I should have gone for 29 I think, slightly more believable than 21 for me. Next year I will be 29 ;)


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