Wednesday 31 May 2017

Lory Lilian - A Man with Faults - Guest Post and Giveaway

Book cover: A Man With Faults by Lory LilianToday I have the very great pleasure of welcoming Lory Lilian, the 'Queen of Hot Mush' to the blog. Lory has recently released a new 'Pride & Prejudice' variation, which I understand is an angsty read, 'A Man with Faults'. She's here with a guest post and is also giving away the winner's choice of her ebooks to TWO lucky winners.

Book Blurb

Resentment or love, anger or passion, guilt or hope—which will win?

How does a man with faults and a resentful temper act when the woman he ardently loves fiercely rejects his marriage proposal and accepts no explanation from him? How does he react when she finds him again in London four months later, asks for his help, and places all her hopes in him?

And what does he do if she is in a position to help him in return?

Author Lory Lilian
Guest Post from Lory

Hello everyone,

I am delighted to visit Ceri’s lovely blog once again and to meet you all!

I want to talk to you today about a subject that was always delicate and long debated in JAFF world: the sex scenes! I know some people prefer a little more steamy stories, as there are other who just cannot stand any mature scenes in Austenesque variations. I had both types of readers: some of them complained about too many hot scenes in my books, other about the lack of it. 

In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen did not even describe a single kiss, or holding of hands, or even a touch. An aspect of Jane's genius is that she wrote little but implied so much about the hidden part of Darcy and Elizabeth's relationship, and allowed the reader’s imagination to explore it. While she told us so little about the subject, we – those who love her book and cannot have enough of them – imagine so much! And – rather often – the result of the authors’ imagination is brought to life in the JAFF books.

I confess I belong to the first category; I enjoy a little “hot mush” in the stories I read and in those that I write.

I started to fantasize about more Elizabeth and Darcy after I watched the BBC version 1995. I had already been in love with P and P for many years, but I never considered imagining anything beyond what Jane Austen wrote. Well, after I saw the miniseries, my imagination turned wild.

The chemistry between Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth was so powerful that burst out from the screen. The hands held while they danced at Netherfield Ball, the lingering hand-touch when he helped her in the carriage at Pemberley, the stolen glances, the lock gazes, the exchanged smiles – and the kiss at the end of the miniseries stirred my imagination and made me wonder about their private interludes, about the time of their engagement, and about the marriage of the happiest couple in the world.

So, when I discovered the world of Pride and Prejudice fanfiction, it was a life changing moment. I realised that I was not alone in my madness LOL. From what I know, Pride and Prejudice 1995 had a dramatic and devastating impact on many people's sexual fascination with Darcy and Elizabeth – and started the extraordinary phenomenon that is JAFF genre.

What I like when I am thinking of hot scenes?

1.    Meaningful sex scenes that add to the development of the story and characters.

2.    More feeling and less descriptions (I want to feel what the characters feel).

3.    Hot mush to prepare the sex scenes, to build the tension between the characters.

What I do not like:

1.    Elizabeth or Darcy having sex with anyone else! In Regency stories, I am convinced that Darcy must have had enough experience. In modern stories, I can assume that about both of them. But I do not want to read – or even imagine – them with someone else. For me, Elizabeth and Darcy can only belong to each other. This is the appeal of the story for me. This is why their story is so loved 200 years later.

2.    Sex for the sake of the sex. Sex scene, after the sex scene, every other page of the book. I love reading about the passion, but too much is too much.

3.    Sex scenes that are lacking the feeling, the sensations, that are cold, that do not involve the readers.

In my books, I already struggle to use the sex scenes to show the development of the characters’ bond to each other. The sex scenes in my books are never the same, never repeated, as the characters are not the same.

If I look back, I could say that perhaps in "Remembrance of the Past" and "His Uncle’s Favourite", there are too many sex scenes. I should have cut off some of them. Note for the future  J
"Rainy Days" was my first book, and first I posted it on DWG, so it was PG general; I finished it, and 

I even wrote the wedding night, keeping it PG 13! Then, I started posting it on HG – which was an adult site – and some cyber friends begun to ‘demand’  enhancements to some scenes, to add a stronger touch of passion into their love. And, the readers’ reaction was very positive and increased the book’s popularity. However, though there are many hot scenes in Rainy Days, in my opinion – and in some of my readers’ opinion –  the hottest scene in the book is the one in the library during the Netherfield Ball when Darcy took off Elizabeth’s gloves and kissed her hands.  “The Rainbow Promise” – as a sequel – was focused on the Darcys' first years of marital bliss, so it was expected to be “hot.”

The Perfect Match” has not a single sex scene, but it is romantic and hot.

A Man with Faults” – according to some of my readers, has too little sex scenes. Again – note for the future, to be remedied in my next book LOL.

A few years ago, some asked me why I need sex scenes since I am so good at writing hot mush and keep it under PG-13 rating. Well, I confess that it is my guilty pleasure, and I most likely will continue doing it as long as my readers join me in this guilty pleasure. I also hope that the readers who do not approve of these kinds of scenes will find it easy to simply skip them and still enjoy the rest of the story.

What about you? What is your opinion about this? What do you feel about the sex scenes in JAFF stories? What do you like and dislike about it?

* * * 

Thank you to Lory for the guest post! My view on this topic is actually very close to Lory's. I quite like to have sex scenes, but I don't like to feel that they are just there to titillate us, but to move the story along too. I definitely don't like to think of our dear couple with anybody else either. I also very much agreed with Lory's comment that the sexiest and most romantic of scenes might involve hardly any physical touching at all, especially in a historical, where you'd expect to find hardly any touching so a touch can mean so much more.

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Giveaway Time

Lory is offering a giveaway of a choice of her ebooks to TWO lucky winners, open internationally. To enter, all you need to do is leave a comment on this post by the end of the day on Tuesday 6 June 2017. Please leave a way for me to contact you in case you're the lucky winner.

Lory Lilian books

Thank you so much to Lory for this wonderful giveaway!

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  1. Wow! I loved this post. You made many excellent points in the 'What you like' and 'What you do not like' and my comment would be YES to all six points. Finding that balance between hot mush and too much sex must be extremely difficult.

    I just want you to know that I appreciate you sharing your struggles with us and the fact that you listen to your reader comments. That shows an author that has her ear to the ground.

    Two points: Your comment about only D&E being together is most excellent. It always feels wrong when they are with someone else. I can hardly bear to read through it until they can get together. Thank you for that.

    And, like you, I hate those cookie cutter sex scenes. It's like the author wrote a scene at the first of the book and then did a copy and paste throughout the rest of the book complete with the pithy sexual banter 'oh baby... you're so... whatever.

    Thanks for the generous give-a-way. I started to decline/recuse myself from participation as I had won 'A Man With Faults' from your blog tour and I own several more. But... I did see several that I do not have. So, count me in on the winner's choice.

    Thank you so much for giving me many hours of enjoyment. I wish you the best in your writing career [selfish on my part as I get to read them] and many blessing in the launch of upcoming works. Have a blessed day. JWG

    1. Oh, thank you so much for your kind words! So glad we share the same opinion on the matter :-). Congratulation for winning once and good luck in this new giveaway !

    2. I was just the same as you Jeanne, I found myself agreeing with all Lory's points. Good luck in the giveaway!

  2. Oh Lory, you already know my opinion but I will just repeat that I love the sex scenes in your books. They are always tasteful and integral to the story. Like you I can't stand reading of either of ODC being with anyone else and I'm not too keen to read of Darcy with a mistress or visiting brothels regularly. I prefer him to be as chaste as possible when they finally get together. As you have already mentioned Perfect Match had no sex scenes but was so romantic.
    I love a number of books with no such scenes as long as they have a romantic Darcy and read them many times but I do prefer a bit of well written passion such as in your books Lory.
    Thanks to you and Ceri for such a great post. Please don't enter me in the giveaway as I already have all your wonderful books.

    1. Glynis, thank you so much for your constant support, and for having all my books :-) "blushing". Oh - I agree about Darcy visiting brothels ... To be honest, I doubt he did it ... I asume he would make a more ... discreet arrangement, than to expose himself to the risks of such activities :-)

    2. I doubt it too as I think he would save himself for Elizabeth ��. 're your comment to Anji I would describe your hot mush as 'totally passionate and romantic love and desire expressed between Darcy and Elizabeth' more please ����

    3. Thanks for such a lovely description of hot mush, Glynis :-) Hugs and thanks!

    4. Thanks for commenting, Glynis. I don't think of Darcy as being the type of man who'd frequent brothels either, but I don't think he'd be entirely inexperienced.

  3. I feel your pain Lory in writing sex scenes. I do not write them unless I feel there are integral to the story and I try hard to not have them morph into 'sex for sex's sake.' I have tried to 'tone down' the scenes in my last few books because of so much criticism, but it is always a balancing act. I think you handle it very well.

    1. I know what you are saying, Brenda. As I mentioned, I had readers criticizing the sex scenes in my books, but also the lack of them LOL. Thank you for your kind words, I think you handle it very well too :-)

    2. I really think there is no way to win on this one, ladies! Some people want nothing in the way of sex scenes, some want something very discreet, others a little more, right through to other people who'd like to read lots. I definitely agree with you Brenda, I don't like the scenes just to be in there for the sake of it. I don't mind sex scenes but there is a whole sub-genre of 'intimate' stories for people who want to read just the sex scenes, I'm here for the story!

  4. Lory, I love your style of 'hot mush' so much! I honestly think it's unrealistic to expect that Darcy has reached the age of 28 without some sexual experience but I don't really need to know the details. Elizabeth, if she's not been married, would be expected NOT to have had any at all.

    One thing we know, Lory, is that any intimacy in your books will always be tasteful and not the point of the plot, unlike that person who tried to masquerade as your good self recently.

    Thanks so much for another chance to win a copy of one of your books. For me, it would HAVE to be A Man with Faults.

    1. angmardee (at) hotmail (dot) com

    2. Anji, thanks so much for your nice words about the hot mush in my books :-). I do try very hard to put "feelings" in the sex scenes I write. Ohhhh - I am shivering when I remember that 36 pages horribile book, with the same author name on it ...:-(
      By the way, one of my colleagues (non jaff lol) keep asking me what hot mush means :-) How can I explain it ? :-)

    3. Thanks for commenting, Anji. I agree with what you say.

      For me, 'hot mush' are scenes that are sexy and intimate, but also very romantic. /sigh!

  5. What an interesting topic! And although we don't talk about it lot, we authors ponder the question - a lot!
    As a reader, I'm good with almost any level of intimacy, as long as it fits the characters and the story - stopping short of sex scene after sex scene after sex scene. At that point, I just start skimming. As a writer though, I have some guidelines I've set for myself throughout the years. I, personally, don't think I've ever written (or will write) a story that needs more than 3 love scenes. My 2 short stories have none. At the Edge of the Sea has 2 love scenes that don't include 'the act' itself, and a third mention of a love scene that is "off-camera". That's because that's what fit the characters and the story of that book. In my other books, my process is that I write the love scenes last- which is a little quirky, I guess. I leave a space for them, with a few notes, things I want to remember, and then at the end, I go back and write those scenes in. Why? Because I want to make sure they are organic to the story and to the characters, and a lot of times, I don't really know my characters until the end of a book. For me, this insures that the scenes fit the story in its entirety. They're important, so they get a lot of writing attention at a time when I'm not distracted by churning out the rest of the book. But I also try to make them so if someone wanted to skip them, they could without losing the story. The thing is, you can respect people's choices, but in this case, it's impossible to please everyone. As an aside, I do think I've gotten better at writing love scenes over the years - like the act itself, perhaps, practice makes perfect? :D Thanks for a great post, Lory and Ceri!

    1. Karen, thanks so much for your valuable input to the topic! I find it so interesting that you write the sex scenes after you finish the book. I understand why you are doing it and I think it is another proof of your care and consideration for your books and for your readers. And I believe your sex scenes are very nicely done! (it must be practice, just as you said. :-) :-) :-) I remember being terrified when I wrote the wedding night for Rainy Days Then it got easier :-) :-) :-) )

    2. Karen, thank you so much for commenting. It's so interesting to see author's views on writing these scenes.

  6. What an interesting post!!
    I don't mind reading love scenes between ODC as long as they flow seamlessly into the fabric of the story,are not too graphic and occur as part of a healthy and loving relationship.
    Sometimes I think less is more and that certain details could be left to the reader's vivid imagination!!
    However,each to their own! I think it's up to every reader to do their homework and check the suitability of their chosen book,in terms of its content.
    Happy reading to all your readers,Ceri.
    Thanks to both you and Lory for the giveaway.

    1. Mary, thanks for your comment. I agree with you about the scenes that are too graphic. Sometimes I find it impossible to read certain descriptions lol. But yes, as you wisely said - each to their own. :-) Good luck in the giveaway.

    2. Hi Mary, thanks for commenting. I am with you, sometimes sex scenes are too graphic for my liking, and then they are less romantic. It's the romance I like :)

  7. Great post Ceri. :) I agree with everything you said Lori, I love sex scenes in JAFF, but they have to be tasteful, like in your books. :) And a part of D&E strong, passionate relationship.

    By the way, 'The Perfect Match' was about marital relations, and the importance of creating this special bond, even without sex scenes. I was impressed, how you had managed that. ;)

    Thanks for the generous giveaway. There is never enough of Lori books one may own. ;)

    1. Thanks Kate, glad you liked The Perfect Match. :-) As you can easily imagine, it was the book with the lower sales lol. Not sure if the reason was it being a sequel or being too clean :-) :-) :-). Good luck in the giveaway!

    2. Hi Kate,thanks for commenting and good luck in the giveaway.

  8. Certainly an interesting topic. For myself, I don't care whether there is a sex scene or not as long as there is tangible heat between ODC; I can use my imagination to come up with the rest. Certainly having too many sex scenes turns an interesting story into pornography, and it gets boring after a while. This has been an honest exploration of a sensitive topic (I've lent JAFF books to friends who've returned them saying "Why didn't you warn me about the sex scenes? Jane Austen managed to tell the whole wonderful story without even a kiss."). Many thanks for the guest post and for offering the giveaway. JanisB (at) gmail (dot) come

    1. Hi Janis, thanks for your comment. It's such an interesting topic, isn't it. I agree with you that the scenes are not needed if the author can capture a passionate connection between the characters. If that's not there a sex scene would be pretty empty and meaningless but if the connection is there a scene with no sex can still sizzle.

    2. Janis, I completely agree with you about too many sex scenes...Thanks so much for your comment and good luck in the giveaway!

  9. I can tolerate some scenes like that but it depends how much is in it.

    1. Yes, there's a limit to how many I want to read too. Sometimes you feel like the story has just been added to pad out the book between sex scenes, and for me, that isn't good!

    2. True :-) ...Thanks for your comment and good luck!

  10. I like the way you write sex scenes Lory so I don't mind them at all in your books. I don't read your books just for the sex scenes though - it's the way you write the intensity of the romance that draws me in. I want to be so caught up in the romance of the books that I forget real life for a while and you provide that for me. I read for escapism :)

    brendapwood at gmail dot com

    1. Me too, Brenda, I read to transport myself to another place and time. Good luck in the giveaway.

    2. Oh - thank you so much Brenda! :-) "blushing" You are very kind! I too read / write JAFF to forget real life for a little bit :-) Good luck in the giveaway!

  11. Fantastic post! You listed all of the things I don't like about sex scenes, though I admit that if the rest of the story is good, I'm willing to overlook those things. Thanks for the giveaway!

    diaryofaneccentric at

    1. Thanks for commenting Anna, and good luck in the giveaway.

    2. Thanks Anna - so you glad you enjoyed the post! Yes, I am with you - if the story is very good, even too many sex scenes can be bearable :-).

  12. Carole in Canada1 June 2017 at 15:17

    Fabulous post Lory! I agree that Colin Firth and Elizabeth Ehle literally raised the temperature of Pride & Prejudice. This is my vision/standard in my head when I read JAFF. I have, however, read some wonderful 'out of the box' stories where one or the other have been married before, as long as they come together in the end.

    As for sex scenes, they have to be integral to the story and only after they married. For me, it is implied that Darcy has some experience...Elizabeth none. Like others, throwing in sex scene after sex scene is not what P&P is about. It is about the journey. The scenes where the heat between them is a look or a touch (like your library scene)or breath upon one's ear as they whisper can actually be more intense in it's sexuality than hopping into bed! I don't envy you (authors) in finding that fine line and appreciate your efforts.

    Thank you Ceri for hosting Lory and thank you for the chance to win one of Lory's books!

    1. Carole, you've worded my thoughts on the subject exactly. Good luck in the giveaway!

    2. Carole, I fully agree with your entire post! Including about some wonderful stories where Elizabeth and Darcy had been married before and still end up together. I also agree that sometimes hot mush can be hotter than sex scenes :-) Thanks so much or your input !

  13. Great post. I don't mind hot scenes one way or another but I don't like stories that is all about that and nothing else. I also agree with you about ODC partnering with anyone else, I don't want to read about that and will stay away from stories where it happens. Thanks for the giveaway. jadseah4 (at) yahoo

    1. Definitely, Darcybennett. I don't want to think of either of them with anybody else. Even if the previous partner is dead I don't like it. Many of us read JAFF with the expectation that D&E are meant to be.

    2. Thanks for your comment, DarcyBennett. Good point about the stories that are only about sex scenes and nothing else. :-) As for Darcy and Elizabeth with ex partners that are dead, I know there are several wonderful stories out there with this subject. I am just not brave enough to read them...

  14. I don't mind if there are a few sex scenes in a book, as I tend to skip them anyway, just as long as I am not missing any of the plot.
    I have no problem with Elizabeth and Darcy not being together, as long as it is not the Colonel and Elizabeth.


    1. I don't like to see E or D with anybody else, but particularly don't like the idea of Elizabeth with Colonel Fitzwilliam.

    2. Ha ha, I can see your point about the pairing Elizabeth - Colonel! It is on my list of no / no, but Elizabeth being with anyone else is also too much for this angst wimp :-) Good luck in the giveaway!

  15. I don't think a story needs sex scenes but I don't mind a few. I also don't like Elizabeth and Darcy not being together.

    1. Glad you are on our side, Tgruy! Thanks for the comment and good luck in the giveaway!


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