Friday 4 August 2017

When We Are Married by Caitlin Williams - Winner

Book cover: When We Are Married by Caitlin Williams
Recently I took part in the mini blog tour for Caitlin Williams' latest book, When We Are Married, which takes an interesting variation on Pride & Prejudice, seeing more than one Bennet sister decide that Mr Darcy would be a good match for her, unbeknownst to the other. Here's my review of the book.

Caitlin was giving away an ebook of the story to one commenter. The winner, chosen at random, is:


Congratulations to you. I will be in touch.

Thank you so much to Caitlin Williams for the review copy and giveaway, and to Claudine from JustJane1813, who arranged the blog tour.

If you missed out this time, then maybe you should treat yourself to a copy of the book. You deserve it!

Buy Links
This book is available to buy now, on Amazon USAmazon UK and elsewhere. It's available on Kindle Unlimited and you can also add it on Goodreads.


  1. Baurna,congrats! Enjoy! ��

  2. I've emailed the winner, but have had no reply as yet. If you are the winner and haven't received my email, please can you message me? Thank you :)

  3. Congrats, Baurna, you're in for such a treat!


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