Sunday 16 December 2018

Winners Post - Sophie Turner, Maggie Mooha and Anngela Schroeder

It feels like Christmas is here already with all the winners I have to announce! We've had some visitors to the blog lately who have been so kind as to provide some giveaways.

Book cover: A Season Lost by Sophie Turner
Firstly, Sophie Turner visited with A Season Lost, which is the third book in the Constant Love series, a series of sequels to Pride & Prejudice. Sophie was giving away winner's choice of any of the three books in the series so far. The winner's name was chosen using a random number generator and that person was:

Anon (mcwarrillow)

Congratulations to you! You very helpfully left me contact details, so I will be in touch :)

Book Cover: Elizabeth in the New World by Maggie Mooha
Then Maggie Mooha visited us with her debut novel, Elizabeth in the New World, a Pride & Prejudice variation, which sees Elizabeth Bennet travelling to the Caribbean. Maggie was offering to give away a print version and ebook of her novel to commenters on the post. The winners were chosen at random, again using a random number generator. The paperback winner is:


The ebook winner is:


Congratulations, both!
Book cover: An Unexpected Merry Gentleman by Anngela Schroeder
The final winner I have to announce won an ebook of Anngela Schroeder's festive novella, An Unexpected Merry Gentleman, which sees Elizabeth spending Christmas in a party including Mr Darcy, and seeing another side of his character. Again, the winner was chosen using a random number generator, and that person is:

Melanie Rachel

Congratulations to you, I will be in touch.

Thank you so much to the authors for these giveaways and to everybody who visited the posts and commented :)


If you're not logged in to Google please leave your name in your comment or it will post as anonymous. Thanks! - Ceri