Thursday 28 July 2016

Winner - Darcy By Any Other Name by Laura Hile

Last week Laura Hile visited with a guest post, excerpt and giveaway of 'Darcy By Any Other Name' which sees Mr Darcy and Mr Collins getting hit by lightning and waking up in the other's body! Laura was kindly giving away an e-book of the book to a commenter on her guest post. The winner, selected at random, is:


Congratulations to you, Monica! I will be in touch. My thanks to everybody who commented on the post, and big thanks go to Laura for the guest post and giveaway.

'Darcy By Any Other Name' is available to buy now - Amazon UK - Amazon US


  1. Monica, my girl! Hooray!

    I hope you have as much fun reading Darcy By Any Other Name as I had writing it. HOWEVER, I should warn you. This story is a late night "page turner" and will steal your sleep. So beware. Start it on a work night to your peril...

  2. Congratulations. I know you will enjoy this one - I did.

  3. Carole in Canada29 July 2016 at 16:37

    You will love it! Congratulations and enjoy!

  4. Thanks everybody! I hope you enjoy the book too, Monica :)


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