Sunday 29 October 2017

Winner - My Fair Lizzy by Barbara Silkstone

Book Cover: My Fair Lizzy by Barbara Silkstone
A little while ago I was joined by Barbara Silkstone for a post about her new book, My Fair Lizzy, which is a mash-up of Pride & Prejudice and Pygmalion. You can read Barbara's guest post here.

Thank you to everybody who commented. I know Barbara had some issues posting comments here so I'd like to particularly thank her for her patience and perseverance!

As you may recall, Barbara was offering a signed paperback to a US winner, and an ebook which could be won by a commenter from any location. I chose the winners using a random number generator, choosing paperback first. The winners are:

Sheila Majczan- signed paperback

Pamela Hunter - ebook

Congratulations to you! I will be in touch. Thank you to everybody who commented, and to Barbara for the wonderful giveaway.

For those of you who weren't lucky this time, remember the book is available to buy now:

• Amazon US / Amazon UK • Kobo • iBooks • Nook • Add to your Goodreads shelf •


  1. Sheila and Pamela,heartiest congrats to you both!

  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you. This is one I was definitely going to buy if I didn't win. Looking forward to reading it now.

  3. Congratulations guys; y'all are winners! Enjoy!

  4. Carole in Canada30 October 2017 at 13:59

    Congratulations ladies!


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