Saturday 7 October 2017

Winner - On Equal Ground by Elizabeth Adams

Book Cover: On Equal Ground by Elizabeth Adams
Recently I was joined by author Elizabeth Adams who came here with a guest post relating to the inspiration for her new book, On Equal Ground, a Pride & Prejudice-inspired book which sees Elizabeth finding love, losing it and learning how to carry on, and meeting Mr Darcy from a different social level than in canon. You can read Elizabeth Adam's guest post here.

Elizabeth was kindly offering a giveaway of an e-book of On Equal Ground to a commenter on the guest post. The winner was selected using a random number generator, and that person is...


Congratulations to you. I will be in touch! Thank you to Elizabeth for the post and giveaway, and thank you to everybody who commented.

Remember, if you weren't the lucky winner, you can buy yourself a copy now at Amazon USAmazon UK or add it to your Goodreads shelf.


  1. Congrats,Anna!! Hope you really love this book! Happy reading! 🎉

  2. Carole in Canada7 October 2017 at 14:09

    Oh so lucky Anna! Congratulations and enjoy!

  3. Congratulations Anna woohoo!!

  4. Thank you! Ceri, I responded with my email. :)

  5. Congratulations, Anna. I am sure you will enjoy this book.

  6. Congrats, you're in for a treat!

  7. I hope you enjoy the book, Anna!


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