Monday 19 November 2018

When Jane Got Angry by Victoria Kincaid - Winner

Book Cover: When Jane Got Angry by Victoria Kincaid
Recently I was joined by Victoria Kincaid who explores an interesting premise in her latest Pride & Prejudice variation. What if perennial nice girl Jane Bennet got angry? You can read an excerpt of Victoria's book, When Jane Got Angry, here.

Victoria was very kindly offering to give away an ebook/paperback of When Jane Got Angry to a commenter on the guest post. I selected a winner using a random number generator. That winner is...


Congratulations to you! As you very kindly left me contact details I'll drop you a line.

Thanks to everybody who commented, and of course, huge thanks to Victoria for the giveaway.

If you weren't a lucky winner, you could always treat yourself to a copy of the book to cheer yourself up :)

It's available in e-book and paperback - Amazon UK / Amazon US / Goodreads

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