Monday 21 October 2019

Winner of Fine Eyes & Pert Opinions by Maria Grace

Book cover: Fine Eyes and Pert Opinions by Maria Grace
Recently we were joined by Maria Grace with her latest book, Fine Eyes and Pert Opinions. You can read Maria's post here, including an excerpt.

Maria was kindly giving away an ebook of Fine Eyes and Pert Opinions to one of the commenters on her post. A winner was chosen at random, and that person was....

Lily Bernard!

Congratulations to you! I will be in touch.

If you weren't lucky enough to win this time, Fine Eyes and Pert Opinions is available to buy now! - Universal Buy Link / Add to Goodreads Shelf

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  1. Congratulations, Lily. Hope you enjoy that book as much as I did.

  2. Shelley Hoisington22 October 2019 at 15:54

    Congratulations, Lily.

  3. Thanks so much for your congratulations everybody! I will join you in congratulating Lily. I hope you enjoy the book!


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