Thursday 7 May 2020

Winner - Fortune & Felicity by Monica Fairview

Book cover: Fortune & Felicity by Monica Fairview
Recently we were joined by Monica Fairview with her new book, Fortune & Felicity, which sees Mrs Heriot, the former Miss Elizabeth Bennet, becoming the governess for the daughter of the widowed Mr Darcy (we hope we see where this is going!). You can read more about the book here.

Monica was very kindly giving away two ebooks of Fortune & Felicity for two commenters on her post. I chose the winners using a random number generator and those winners were:



EDITED TO ADD: Glynis treated herself to the book in the meantime! Therefore I chose another winner at random and that person was:


Congratulations, ladies, I will drop you an email. Thanks so much to Monica for the giveaway.

If you weren't lucky this time remember you can buy the book. Treat yourself, you are worth it :)

Buy Links

Amazon US / Amazon UK / Amazon CA / Add to Goodreads shelf

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