Tuesday 26 May 2020

Winners - Persuaded to Sail and Margaret of Milton

Book cover: Persuaded to Sail by Jack Caldwell
I have the winners for two giveaways to announce today. Firstly, we were joined by Jack Caldwell who has written a third book featuring Austen's fighting men. This one, Persuaded to Sail, picks up after the end of Persuasion, following on from Anne and Captain Wentworth's wedding. You can read an excerpt of the book here. Jack was very kindly offering to give away an ebook copy. I chose the winner using a random number generator. The winner is...

Kate B!

Congratulations to you, Kate! I'm not sure whether I have your email, so please can you contact me within the next 2 days? If I don't hear from you I'll select another winner on Friday.

Thanks so much to Jack for visiting and for providing this lovely giveaway!

If you missed out this time then why not buy a copy of the book to cheer yourself up! It’s available in paperback and kindle, with EPUB versions available later in the year – Amazon US / Amazon CA / Amazon UK / Add to Goodreads Shelf.

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Next, we were joined by Elaine Owen. Elaine has written a variation on Mrs Gaskell's North and South, Margaret of Milton, which sees Miss Hale and Mr Thornton marrying early on. You can read an excerpt of the novel here. Elaine was giving away two ebooks to commenters on her post. I chose the winners using a random number generator and they were:

Deborah Ann &


Congratulations both! I have both of your email addresses so I will be in touch to check you haven't bought the book in the meantime :)  My thanks to Elaine for the guest post and giveaway!

Edited on 31 May to add: Unfortunately the second winner of Margaret of Milton hasn't replied to my email, therefore I selected another winner, who I will now email.

Remember, Margaret of Milton is available to buy now in paperback and kindle. It’s also available in Kindle Unlimited. Amazon US / Amazon CA / Amazon UK.

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